Breuss back massage
Rudolf Breuss (1899-1990) was an Austrian „Heilpraktiker“ (therapist) who became famous above all through his special gentle back massage, which can still be quite helpful against back pain.
This method is both an energetic and deeply relaxing back massage, which also balances the nervous system. The use of (organic) St. John's wort oil supports the relaxing and healing process while deeply penetrating the tissue. This energetic massage can gently release tensions of body and soul as well as helping to improve your state of health. It has no side effects, has been proved effective against slipped disc and often brings quick relief of pain in the lumbar region.
Breuss back massage can either be practiced on its own, or before or after a Dorn treatment depending on the patient's current state of health. In case of acute pain and strong muscle tension (myogelosis), for example, this special back massage can soften and relax the whole region and vertebra blockages can be corrected easier and faster through the Dorn method. A Breuss massage after a Dorn treatment can stabilize the beneficial effect and brings soothing relaxation.
Breuss back massage is effective on the whole organism which can be explained according to the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) through the soft stimulation of the (urinary) bladder meridian and its points to specific organs.
Indications for Breuss back massage:
- back pain, especially in the lumbar region
- (di)stress and chronic muscle tensions
- as a complementary treatment for weakness and chronic illness
- slipped disc
- for deep relaxation before, or to stabilize the beneficial effects of a Dorn treatment
Duration of Breuss back massage
Breuss massage can last between 30 and 45 minutes according your personal needs (+ detailed medical interview at the first appointment).
Important information
Please be careful to drink sufficiently before and after your massage (since this facilitates the detoxifying and eliminating effects) as well as to allow yourself some rest to extend the relaxation obtained.
Please be careful to limit sun exposure to the massaged areas because of the possible photosensitisation effect of the (organic) St. John's wort oil used.